You can compile your model using a sample script
However, since input size and data format of camera and input shape of AI model are different for each application and model, you need to change parameters in the script and some options to compile it.
Resnet50 was used as a sample model in the “How to Compile Sample Model”. In this page, it is explained how to change from Resnet50 to YOLOX as an example.
Here are some tips applying to your model.
In explaining how to compile the file, we will first give an overview of the process.
From this point on, we will follow these steps.
In this chapter, yolox is used as an example.
1. Confirm the model information
In order to modify the sample script in the next step, you will need the following information about the model.
In step1, confirm this information.
2. Modify the sample script
In the sample script, generation for pre-runtime code and quantization is also performed when the model is compiled.
In order to perform these processes, the sample scripts must also be modified to match the input format of the target model and the input size and format of the application.
Based on the information confirmed in the step1, this step rewrites a part of the sample script.
3. Compile the AI model
When executing the sample script on the command line, you can pass the necessary information as an option.
In compiling the target model, options should be changed accordingly.
This section describes those options that need to be changed.
4. Build the app
Build an app to run the compiled model.
5. Run on the board
Copy the compiled model and the built application to the board for inference.
Please refer to this page to set up environment before beginning this workflow.
And from this point on, it is worked in the docker container.
Then, move to working directory, where is $TVM_ROOT/tutorials.
Next, copy the model which you would like to compile to your working directory.
docker cp
command is useful to copy files into the docker container.
If you have pruned the yolox model using the DRP-AI Extension Pack on this page, you can use the pruned model.
If you have not pruned the model, you can use the prepared model. $TVM_ROOT/how-to/sample_app_v2h/app_yolox_cam/yolox-S_VOC.onnx
First of all, you should find out about the input format of the model and application.
Netron is useful to check the model information about the shape of input.
Also, check the input format of the app from the app source code.
In the case of yolox, which is the example in this case, the following parameters can be confirmed.
Input shape of the model:[1,3,640,640]
Input shape of the app :[1920, 1920, 2]
Input format of the app :YUYV_422
Next step, you need to modify a preprocess sentences of sample script to fit your model based on the model information which is confirmed in chapter1 because it is necessary to preprocess the input image to match the model input when you will inference using your own model. The sample scripts already contain this preprocess.
In the, the following process is used to utilize the calibration data.(L.101 ~ L.112)
See here for more information about calibration .
By changing to the following process, the yolox in this example can be executed.
For example, you can modify a script like below.
In the, the pre-processing runtime is compiled with the following process(L.273 ~ L.301)
See here for more information about PreRuntime.
By changing to the following process, the yolox in this example can be executed.
For example, you can modify a script like below.
This completes the modification of the sample script.
Using modified sample script in chapter 2, yolox can be compiled by the following command.
This sample script can optionally specify information needed to compile it. In this example, the following information is specified
option | discription |
augment | model file |
-o | output file name |
-t | path to toolchain |
-d | path to DRP-AI Translator |
-c | path to DRP-AI Quantizer |
-s | input shape of the target model |
-images | Specifies the directory where calibration images are contained |
-v | input constant value |
Detailed information on options is provided in Appendix.
application binary is generated.Prepare the necessary files to run on the board.
After setup your board refering to here, please connect cammera and display refering to this page.
For example, as follows.
Following window shows up on HDMI screen
On application window, following information is displayed.
To terminate the application, press Enter
key on the Linux console terminal of RZ/V2H Evaluation Board Kit.
The <timestamp>_app_yolox_cam.log
file is to be generated under the logs
folder and is to be recorded the text logs of AI inference results and AI processing time and rate.
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] ************************************************
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] RZ/V2H DRP-AI Sample Application
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Model : Megvii-Base Detection YOLOX | yolox_cam
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Input : MIPI Camera
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] ************************************************
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] [START] Start DRP-AI inference...
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Inference ----------- No. 1
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Bounding Box Number : 4
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Bounding Box : (X, Y, W, H) = (457, 245, 208, 427)
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Detected Class : person (Class 14)
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Probability : 89.1 %
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Bounding Box Number : 7
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Bounding Box : (X, Y, W, H) = (457, 354, 297, 250)
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Detected Class : bicycle (Class 1)
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Probability : 90.9 %
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Bounding Box Number : 10
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Bounding Box : (X, Y, W, H) = (181, 214, 388, 441)
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Detected Class : bus (Class 5)
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Probability : 50.5 %
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] bounding box Count : 3
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Pre-Proc + Inference (DRP-AI): XX.X [ms]
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Post-Proc (CPU): X.X [ms]
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] AI Frame Rate XX [fps]
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] [START] Start DRP-AI inference...
[XXXX-XX-XX XX:XX:XX.XXX] [logger] [info] Inference ----------- No. 2
Here is the end of the workflow.
option | discription | example |
-o, –output_dir | Output directory to save compile results. | -o DIR_NAME |
-t, –toolchain_dir | Cross-compilation toolchain root directory | -t DIR_NAME |
-d, –drp_compiler_dir | DRP-AI Translator root directory | -d DIR_NAME |
-v, –drp_compiler_version, | DRP-AI Translator version (091 or 100) | -v 100 |
-c, –quantization_tool | Quantization tool directory | -c DIR_NAME |
-s, –input_shape, | AI model input node shape | -s 1,3,224,224 |
-i, –input_name | AI model input node name. (Not required for pytorch models) | -i DIR_NAME |
-n, –num_frame (default=1) | number of images to use for calibration | -n 10 |
–images | Specifies the directory where calibration images are contained | –images DIR_NAME |
-r, –record_dir | Calibration data record directory | -r DIR_NAME |
–level (default=1) | Optimization level at compile. “1” is the default and compiles with optimal settings. If “0” is set to this option, complex models can be deployed, but inference speed is slower. | –level 0 |
-q, –fp16 | Convert to FP16 | -q |
-f, –cpu_data_type (default=”float16”) | Specify cpu data type (float16/float32) | -f float16 |
-p, –quantization_option (default=””) | drpai quantization option | -p "-az" |
For example, you can compile your model using the sample script with the some options like below.