HMI SDK on RZ/G series¶
The Renesas RZ/G HMI SDK is an all-in-one package that includes the necessary software for developing a Linux HMI application.
The HMI SDK provides a Linux HMI application development environment for the RZ/G Evaluation Board Kit.
The HMI SDK provides a quick and easy development environment, lowering the barrier to entry for beginners to Linux to use a Linux MPU.
Free of Charge
All software in the HMI SDK is available for free.
The HMI SDK includes GUI frameworks and libraries that are appropriate for HMI.
For more information, see Overview.
What's new¶
RZ/G HMI SDK version is available.
- Add Chromium (except for RZ/G2UL)
- Update VLP/G from v3.0.6 update2 to v3.0.6 update3.
- Add support for RZ/G2LC Evaluation Board Kit and RZ/G2UL Evaluation Board Kit.
- Add sample application programs, home panel demo (RZ/G2L only) and demo launcher.
Getting Started¶
Getting Started is a complete guide to learn how to run HMI Applications, which explains the procedure for setting up the development environment, compiling HMI Applications, setting up the board and running HMI Applications.
Get your target board now and GET STARTED.
HMI Applications¶
HMI SDK provides HMI demos and sample applications.
They are available both as source code and as prebuilt binaries, which allow you to run them on the board immediately, and change/customize them freely.
Sample Application Name | Description | Pre-installed in SD Card Image | Source Code URL |
LVGL Sample Program for Image Displaylvgl_sample_img_disp | This program is implemented using LVGL, and it can display image files in bmp/jpg/png/gif format. | No | Link to GitHub |
LVGL Sample Program for Audio Playbacklvgl_sample_audio_playback | This program is implemented using LVGL, and it can play audio files in mp3/aac/wav format. | No | Link to GitHub |
LVGL Sample Program for Video Playbacklvgl_sample_video_playback | This program is implemented using LVGL, and it can play a movie file in mp4 format. | No | Link to GitHub |
LVGL RZ Linux Benchmark Demorz_benchmark_demo | RZ Linux Benchmark Demo is implemented using LVGL, and some benchmarks can be run on the demo. | Yes | Link to GitHub |
Chromium Home Panel Demo | Chromium Home Panel Demo is an HTML5 Single Page Web Application, and it is a demo for home panel. It is available only for RZ/G2L EVK. | Yes | Link to GitHub |
The pre-installed applications can be run from a launcher program that starts automatically when the HMI SDK Linux launches. To run other applications, see Step 8 at Getting Started.